Car Rides

I always get anxious when Mom looks like she’s getting ready to go out—am I coming too? Where are we going? And for how long??

Sometimes it means a shift of guard duty for me, but sometimes it means I get to ride around in the car with Mom! It’s so much fun to watch the scenery pass by from an air conditioned car. Occasionally, I’ll roll down the window and get a whiff of whatever smells we pass by. I can see why other dogs love sticking their heads out of the window so much!

I usually like to sit in the passenger seat, or in the space below the passenger seat so I can lie in the shade. Half the fun of driving somewhere is hopping out of the car and trying to figure out where we are: Stanford? The bay lands? (gasp) Jack’s house??

Other times I like to sit right in on the driver’s lap with Mama. Luckily I’m small enough that I don’t get in the way when she’s steering. It’s fun to sit in the captain’s chair, I can’t wait until my next car ride!