My Lucky Day
My friend Ewa visited last weekend. You can’t imagine how much I love her. When I see her coming toward the door, I’m practically in tears with delight from the thought of her!
When Ewa comes, I almost don’t mind so much that Mom’s gone. She takes me on walks, she cuddles me, she talks and talks and talks to me... sometimes in Polish, which I don’t happen to speak, but I know she’s saying nice stuff by the tone of her voice.
Sometimes we go to see the elderly Polish lady that Ewa volunteers to visit. It makes me happy that I can make her smile. Sometimes I just sit on her lap and hope that life is a little better because of our visit. Ewa speaks to her in Polish so I am kind of in the dark, but I can tell they like each other. They might even love each other.
I know that Ewa loves me, and I love her, too. As much as I hate to see Mom pack her bag and go, I am so grateful for my time with Ewa!