No Bones About It!

Sometimes when Louie and Mom go out to dinner, they’ll come back home with a treat for me: a bone! You can’t imagine how good it tastes; after years of eating nothing but kibble and grass, a bone from a t-bone steak is divine! It’s so nice of them to think of me!

But not everyone is excited for me when I get my bone. The girl upstairs always makes a big stink, and I don’t understand why. She talks about boiling the bones to make them more chewy, and less likely to splinter… I guess choking on broken bones is an issue for dogs that have a few more teeth! After giving her spiel she relents, and I’m back to flavor town.

The compromise is that I’m always under supervision when chewing on a bone from a restaurant. Sam still doesn’t seem happy, but when the bone starts to break, Louie and Mom are pretty quick to get it out of my paws (not that I make it easy for them!)