A Seat at the Table


One of the first rules I learned when I started living with Mom was no people food. That doesn’t stop me from still trying to sneak a bite here or there, but sometimes, when I look up and see everyone eating at the table, I can’t help but feel a little left out.

Jack seemed to notice this last weekend, so he picked me up and put me up on a seat at the table, with Mom’s permission, of course. I wasn’t allowed to eat any food, but sitting was just fine! I was surprised to see that my family doesn’t eat the same brand of kibble that I do. Their food smells much better.... but I know if I try to sneak a bite, my seat at the table is as good as gone.

Still, it’s nice to be included with the big kids every now and then!

Dinner with Company, Please!


A wise dog once said: “What’s dinner without company?” What’s that? They didn’t? Well I’m saying it!

I hate eating all by myself. In fact, I just won’t eat unless there’s someone else with me in the kitchen, preferably eating as well. Food is supposed to bring people together, so how can I enjoy it when I’m all on my own?

Of course, not everyone shares my love for social eating. By happenstance, life pulls my family away at meal time, and they get nervous when I don’t eat. If I could talk, I’d tell them I’m waiting for them, but I understand that life can’t wait sometimes. Even so, I still find it hard to eat when I’m alone.

I’m not alone in this right? Food is meant to be enjoyed with friends and family!