Nice Ride!


There’s nothing like the thrill of a car ride! Whether I’m in my own seat, nose to the window, or sitting on a cushy lap, I love to go anywhere and everywhere with my peeps, even if they sometimes have to leave me in the car while they run an errand.

Temps have been heating up! Even in warm weather, it’s not so safe for me to be left alone in the car when She dashes into the dry cleaners or grocery store. At a mere 70 degrees outside, it takes just 10 minutes before the interior heats up to 90 degrees! Opening windows does nothing to lower the temperature.

It used to be that on these super hot days I had to stay home alone, which made me kind of sad. But, wonder of wonders! My peeps got a new gadget in their car called “Dog Mode.” Now, when they have to leave me in the car, they can leave the air conditioning on for me!

Even better, for the good samaritans walking by, who might think I’m suffering, a message in large type fills the navigation screen: “My owner will be back soon. Don’t worry. The A/C is on and it’s 68 degrees.”

I can’t wait to see how “Dog Mode” works in the winter time. If I’m a very good boy, maybe my peeps will turn on the seat heater for me, too!