Best Day Ever!

It was a glorious day in the Palo Alto Baylands, made all the more glorious by my dear friend Marla, who met me for an ambitious mid-morning walk among the natural flora and fauna.

It was a very warm day, but the brisk breeze across the bay worked its magic, cooling us as we strode among the levies, watching pelicans, coots, and Marla’s favorite, the great blue heron. That is one amazing bird!

I did my best not to mark every grassy spot we passed, but being a territorial little boy, it’s tough not to stake out your turf. The baylands are full of fascinating scents I don’t encounter around my house. Marla responded to my curiosity with a generous dose of patience.

When we finished, we’d logged our 10,000 steps (that’s 40,000 in dog steps) and enjoyed a wonderful morning together.

Any time you want to do it again, Marla, just have your gal call my gal!

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Best Day Ever!

A balmly breeze off the bay brought the perfect end to a beautiful morning at the Baylands.