

The older I get, the more I value the gift of kindness.

Receiving kindness in the form of a pat, a snuggle, or a treat is awesome. The gift of giving kindness is even sweeter.

Last weekend I was able to do what we Jewish dogs call the mitzvah of bikkur cholim — the kindess of visiting the sick. You don’t have to be Jewish to do this kindness, but it’s very satisfying to have a framework around the deeds that make me feel so good.

I’ve heard it said that when you’re feeling down, the best pick-me-up is to do something nice for someone else. I hardly ever feel down. After all, I’m a dog, and a lucky dog at that.

Still, visiting my elderly friend in her nursing home, and having the opportunity to show her some affection is a completely satisfying way to spend a few weekend hours.

Don’t believe me? Try it out and see how good you feel!