The Little Guy


There are lots of fun stuffed animals around the house, but not all of them are mine, believe it or not! Sam has a lot of stuffed animals in her room upstairs. I don’t know why she has so many, I never see her play with them! In fact, she doesn’t play much at all! Her toys generally just sit in her room… except the little guy.

The little guy looks like he should be my toy. Every time I see him, I just want to chew on him and play, but Sam always takes him away from me…. I think he’s really important. He looks like a little black and white dog, like me! Sometimes when she’s really sad, I see her holding him, and she takes him with her when she goes out late at night.

I don’t really get it, but I understand wanting to have something to comfort you when you’re feeling low. Still, when she’s away and he’s home alone, I like to try to play with the little guy when I get the chance… why should she get to have all the fun?

Thunder is too Frightening!


As the house security, I have to be a tough guy; there’s not a lot that scares me. I try to be brave, but every now and then something shocks me back to feeling like a little puppy again… I don’t really like thinking about when I was a puppy, I had to grow up fast…

There was a lot of rain this weekend, and with rain comes thunder! The distant rolls of the storm are like a big bark; sometimes the sound of it makes me imagine a big scary dog with a deep booming voice. I don’t really like big dogs either…

While I was cuddling with my Mom on Sunday, the storm had blown directly overhead, and there was a tremendous crack of thunder, way louder than anything we had heard before. There was a bright flash, and I felt like the house was shaking. Immediately I jumped out of bed, and scampered away upstairs. I had to go, I didn’t know where, but that loud noise was way too scary.

Mom called after me, and searched for me in all of my usual spots, but I wouldn’t come out. She found me upstairs hiding in the corner of her office, under a chair. Even when I saw her, I was too scared to move, but she patiently waited for me, calling in a soft voice. Paralyzed, I just whined. I couldn’t budge, so she slowly moved the chair and picked me up. (I appreciate that she didn’t reach in to get me, I think seeing a probing hand reaching towards me would have scared me even more!)

We snuggled for a few hours before I felt like I could walk on my own again. I don’t know, sometimes things just snap you back to a different time. I’m just glad those times are behind me, and whenever I lose control Mom can pull me back to the present.



The older I get, the more I value the gift of kindness.

Receiving kindness in the form of a pat, a snuggle, or a treat is awesome. The gift of giving kindness is even sweeter.

Last weekend I was able to do what we Jewish dogs call the mitzvah of bikkur cholim — the kindess of visiting the sick. You don’t have to be Jewish to do this kindness, but it’s very satisfying to have a framework around the deeds that make me feel so good.

I’ve heard it said that when you’re feeling down, the best pick-me-up is to do something nice for someone else. I hardly ever feel down. After all, I’m a dog, and a lucky dog at that.

Still, visiting my elderly friend in her nursing home, and having the opportunity to show her some affection is a completely satisfying way to spend a few weekend hours.

Don’t believe me? Try it out and see how good you feel!

Downward Dog


I try to approach every day as a new opportunity, but nobody can be positive all the time. Some days I really feel aware of my size, that I’m not the top dog, and the world feels really overwhelming. On those days, it’s really important to have a plan for how to pick myself back up.

The first safety net is surrounding myself with people who love me. When I’m feeling low, they pick me up and squeeze me and kiss me. They make me feel loved, which is just what I need, and the physical contact makes me feel better.

I also have a few safe spaces around the house for when I’m feeling moody: under Mom’s bed, in her closet, or on my beanbag, I can take some time for myself to try to calm down. It’s really important that these spaces feel like they’re mine, so my family purposefully tries not to reach in and play with me when I’m in those spots.

Finally, I try to keep a few smells around the house that will cheer me up: the flowers out back, the treats in the treat drawer, or Mom’s perfume on a pillow are some favorites that help make me feel like my usual self again. I’ve even seen Sam try this technique, keeping smelling spices in her purse for when she’s overwhelmed. It works for people too, so maybe give it a try!

Whatever you’re feeling, take the time to put a few safeties in place to keep yourself from being too down. There’s so much fun stuff to do, we shouldn’t spend our time being mopey for too long!

Pillow Talk

First of May, first of May, outdoor… something starts today!
Oh! Sorry, I’ve been distracted lately because I’ve been so excited!

May first means spring is in full bloom! The weather is warm, the days are long, flowers are sprouting and animals are getting lovey-dovey; there’s just something in the air! On days like today I like to curl up with a buddy and lounge around in the sun all day…

Unfortunately for me, I’m an only dog, so that kind of companionship is in short supply. Don’t get me wrong, Mom, Louie and Sam are great company, but we have a different kind of relationship—I want to lay down with someone me-sized! Even worse, all the me-sized dogs I do know never want to lie down!

Luckily, I’ve figured out a way to relieve myself when running in a pack of one. It’s not glamorous, so I take my business into another room. What can I say? A doggie’s gotta do what a doggie’s gotta do...

Small Dog, Big Internet

It really looks like my “blog” has been taking off lately! I don’t really know what it means… but I’m glad the numbers are going up!


It’s really exciting to see, but sometimes I worry about being too fixated on social media. It’s fun, but it’s not real life—it’s not a substitute for real head-pats and belly rubs. I think it’s easy for people to get lost in the digital scramble. Less easy for dogs, but hey, I’m a trend setter.

I’ve seen people get too stuck on social media, so I’m making sure to limit my time online. If the internet ever gets you down, don’t forget you can always go outside and take a breather! The internet makes life seem really fast paced sometimes, but it’s okay to slow down. Internet drama has a way of taking over and making it seem like the end of the world, I’ve noticed.

Safe surfing, everyone!


Some readers (fans?) have noticed that my smile is a little different from other dogs, and there’s a reason for that: I’m missing like 12 teeth!

I don’t really know how it happened; Mom took me to the vet one day and the next thing I remember, they were gone! Mom wasn’t too happy about it, but I think the lady in the white coat said it was necessary… Honestly I was a little mopey after it first happened. It’s hard to learn how to eat and chew again when you’re a few teeth short. Jack joked for a little bit that we should change my name to Fang, but I don’t think I could handle another name change… But even though it was embarrassing, I practiced and practiced, and now it feels like normal!

Don’t think I’m all bark and no bite either, my teeth are just as good as anyone else’s. I still love to play tug of war, and I can still defend myself, it’s just a little different than it used to be. Change like that can be scary, but I promise, with hard work, you can get through it!

Finding a Spot in the Sun


There are lots of great places around the house to rest your head, but I’ve noticed that if you spend just a little longer to find the right spot, it makes it that much better. Take Mom’s office for example; it’s got some great corners to lie down in, or if I’m feeling bold I can go up on the couch, but if I take my time I can find a nice warm spot in the sun.

I’ve noticed this happens outside too; there are spots that are warmer and nicer if you look for them. Laying down wherever doesn’t hurt, but you’ll be glad you put in the extra effort, I promise! Next time you need to settle down somewhere, take a little extra time and I’m sure you’ll be even more comfortable when you finally find that nice sunny spot!

Oh yeah. I could stay here for hours…

Picky Playtime


I try to play and exercise every day. Luckily, I’m small enough that I can play inside, when I’m in the mood!

But here’s the thing, I won’t play with just anybody. And I have to be in the mood, I’m very particular about what mood I’m in when I’m playing. Don’t take it personally if I’m not feeling playful when you visit, it’s just how I am, and being playful on command is a trick this dog ain’t learning. (Woof!)

Lucky for me, I’m small enough that when I do want to play, I basically have my run of the house; I’m small enough to play inside and outside. Outside I like to chase squirrels and roll on the ground, and inside I usually play fetch with my toys, tug of war, or tricks and treats. I’ll tell you more about tricks and treats when I’m feeling more confident!.

I’ll play fetch with just about anything, but I get to pick the toy. Again, I can’t help it, I know what I like! Only a few special people can pick the toy for me. Playtime is a time when I really let down my guard, so I’ll only play with people I feel safe with… I hope that doesn’t make me sound spoiled!



Lately it seems like the weather has been getting warmer, and it’s been raining less. I get kinda stir crazy if I’m inside for too long, so it’s important to enjoy the good weather while it’s here.

If I’m not going out for the day, I like to lie in the warm tanbark in my back yard with the flowers. Sometimes it’s so peaceful that I fall asleep! I can’t rest too long though; there are a lot of squirrels and birds that come by now that we have a bird bath, and I have to keep the house safe.

I don’t know why everyone feels like they need to run around all the time, but I think everyone would feel better if they slow down a little. I know people are pretty busy, but take some time to smell the flowers!


Bath time!

Sometimes when I fall asleep outside, or walk on a rainy day, I get dirty before it’s time for my haircut. Haircuts are great, because I feel all sporty and clean, but every now and then mom has to clean me instead. I don’t really mind though, I love mom!

She picks me up and puts me in the kitchen sink, and runs warm water all over my fluffy fur. After a little soap, I’ll get another rinse, and then she dries me off. Sometimes people laugh, because I look so much smaller when my fur is wet. I think she used to bathe her baby boys in this sink too, so it really makes me feel like a part of the pack.

I hope everyone is staying clean!


Denning and Feeling Safe

Even though it’s my job to guard the house, sometimes I get scared.

Whenever I get sacred, I like to have something over my head to feel safe. I like to drag my bed under tables or desks and make a little den for myself. Sometimes my people even help me, bringing things to make the space feel a little more safe, or toys to make me feel comfy.

I think it’s important for everyone to have a safe place, so if you don’t have one, maybe you should try denning too! It’s a lot of fun, and you won’t regret it when you need some time for yourself.
