Thunder is too Frightening!
As the house security, I have to be a tough guy; there’s not a lot that scares me. I try to be brave, but every now and then something shocks me back to feeling like a little puppy again… I don’t really like thinking about when I was a puppy, I had to grow up fast…
There was a lot of rain this weekend, and with rain comes thunder! The distant rolls of the storm are like a big bark; sometimes the sound of it makes me imagine a big scary dog with a deep booming voice. I don’t really like big dogs either…
While I was cuddling with my Mom on Sunday, the storm had blown directly overhead, and there was a tremendous crack of thunder, way louder than anything we had heard before. There was a bright flash, and I felt like the house was shaking. Immediately I jumped out of bed, and scampered away upstairs. I had to go, I didn’t know where, but that loud noise was way too scary.
Mom called after me, and searched for me in all of my usual spots, but I wouldn’t come out. She found me upstairs hiding in the corner of her office, under a chair. Even when I saw her, I was too scared to move, but she patiently waited for me, calling in a soft voice. Paralyzed, I just whined. I couldn’t budge, so she slowly moved the chair and picked me up. (I appreciate that she didn’t reach in to get me, I think seeing a probing hand reaching towards me would have scared me even more!)
We snuggled for a few hours before I felt like I could walk on my own again. I don’t know, sometimes things just snap you back to a different time. I’m just glad those times are behind me, and whenever I lose control Mom can pull me back to the present.