Seedpods and Fox tails and Burrs, Oh My!

It’s a lot of fun playing outside, but occasionally, I’ll feel really itchy after I do. Little burrs and fox tails can get stuck in my fur, and I can’t pull them out with my teeth or my paws. Sometimes my family will see me working on one (I’m too proud to ask for help) and come to my rescue. These little stickies can become a really big problem for pups like me, especially if they get stuck between my toes, or somewhere really hard to reach. In some cases, burs can get under the skin and even cause an infection… yikes!


Whenever you go out with your furry pals, make sure you take a minute to check for any seedlings that may have become attached during playtime. Not all dogs can communicate when they have them, like me, and they can become really big problems if left unchecked. If you see your fuzzy buddy picking at something, or trying to shake something loose from their fur, lend a helping hand!

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie


I’m a pretty cute guy, so I get a lot of attention when I’m out and about; “Oh, he’s so cute, can I pet him?” is not an uncommon phrase to this lucky dog. I love the attention when I’m ready for it, but at the end of a long day of exercise and preening for my fans, a boy needs some rest!

Occasionally, though, the fans won’t relent. I get paparazzi in my room when I sleep, or sometimes they wake me up when I’m sleeping on the couch because it’s time for a walk… can’t they see I’m in the middle of some quality snoozing? Oh well… I know I shouldn’t complain, but I wish I could let them know I’d like to not be bothered when I’m asleep!

Going, going, gone!


It’s like a sixth sense. I can tell when they’re leaving. I don’t like it when they leave even for a few hours. When it’s overnight, it’s like torture.

The wheeled boxes made no appearance last week when they scurried about the kitchen, organizing Her purse, collecting iPhone chargers. Just the same, I had that feeling that this was more than a trip to the grocery store (which I’m often allowed to join!)

I jumped about, dancing, wagging my tail, chasing my toys, doing my most adorable, in the hope that they would take me with them. But, no. The front door opened. The front door closed. And from my perch on my chair at the window, I watched as they drove away.

You may wonder what I do with myself when I’m alone. It’s not pretty. With the run of the house, you might think it’s party time. But there’s no party without my peeps. I miss them like crazy. Last week, I just snuggled into the bed upstairs and mooned over my loneliness.

Whether She’s leaving for an hour or leaving for a day, or even leaving for a week, she always kisses me and tells me, “Don’t worry, Scout. Mama always comes back.”

Thankfully, so far, she has.

Thunder is too Frightening!


As the house security, I have to be a tough guy; there’s not a lot that scares me. I try to be brave, but every now and then something shocks me back to feeling like a little puppy again… I don’t really like thinking about when I was a puppy, I had to grow up fast…

There was a lot of rain this weekend, and with rain comes thunder! The distant rolls of the storm are like a big bark; sometimes the sound of it makes me imagine a big scary dog with a deep booming voice. I don’t really like big dogs either…

While I was cuddling with my Mom on Sunday, the storm had blown directly overhead, and there was a tremendous crack of thunder, way louder than anything we had heard before. There was a bright flash, and I felt like the house was shaking. Immediately I jumped out of bed, and scampered away upstairs. I had to go, I didn’t know where, but that loud noise was way too scary.

Mom called after me, and searched for me in all of my usual spots, but I wouldn’t come out. She found me upstairs hiding in the corner of her office, under a chair. Even when I saw her, I was too scared to move, but she patiently waited for me, calling in a soft voice. Paralyzed, I just whined. I couldn’t budge, so she slowly moved the chair and picked me up. (I appreciate that she didn’t reach in to get me, I think seeing a probing hand reaching towards me would have scared me even more!)

We snuggled for a few hours before I felt like I could walk on my own again. I don’t know, sometimes things just snap you back to a different time. I’m just glad those times are behind me, and whenever I lose control Mom can pull me back to the present.

But it Tastes So Good...


Mom has a lot of rules around the house to make sure things stay safe and clean: don’t pee in the house, don’t eat people food, only jump on people’s laps when you’re invited, and most importantly don’t eat the outside plants.

I try my best, but… I just can’t help it! I love the taste so much, but when I eat plants, I get sick and usually end up making a mess… But have you ever tried eating plants? Flowers? Grass? They’re delicious!

Sometimes Mom or Louie will catch me trying to sneak a quick bite on a walk, and I’ll hear the crescendo of caution from a low growl: “Scoooout…” Sometimes they even pull the plants right out of my mouth (how rude!).

My best chance to sneak a bite is when I’m home alone without supervision; I’ll trot into the back yard and start nibbling on the grass. I still have to be careful though; one wrong move and I won’t hear my family come home, and they’ll catch me in the act of snacking!

I know it’s bad for me… but it tastes so good!

The Other Kind of Hot Dog


Is it me, or has it gotten hotter lately?

Lately it’s been so warm I’ve felt like melting into the ground. On days like that, I usually try to spend most of my time inside—if you think warm weather is tough to deal with, try it covered in fur! Luckily the house is really cool, and I always have plenty of water to get me through the day. I’m glad I don’t have too many appointments so I can just stay in when I get too hot!

While you’re out and about, don’t forget to drink your water either! I think people are supposed to drink three cups of water each day (or bowls, for the rest of us). Hydration is really important, and you don’t want to overheat. Of course, doggy kisses can help a little bit to, so I try to do as much as I can, but it’s not a substitute for staying well hydrated!

I hope everyone stays safe as things continue to heat up!

A Home of My Own


Jack’s house has so many fun places to sleep! This past weekend I took a trip over there and found a new place to den that I just had to share. His coffee table opens up and just happens to be the perfect size for me! As soon as we figured it out, he quickly put some blankets in there for me and I made myself at home. I don’t think I’ll be moving out of Mom’s house anytime soon, but it’s nice to know that I’ll have a place of my own if I need it. (Don’t worry Mom, I’m not going anywhere!)

Picky Playtime


I try to play and exercise every day. Luckily, I’m small enough that I can play inside, when I’m in the mood!

But here’s the thing, I won’t play with just anybody. And I have to be in the mood, I’m very particular about what mood I’m in when I’m playing. Don’t take it personally if I’m not feeling playful when you visit, it’s just how I am, and being playful on command is a trick this dog ain’t learning. (Woof!)

Lucky for me, I’m small enough that when I do want to play, I basically have my run of the house; I’m small enough to play inside and outside. Outside I like to chase squirrels and roll on the ground, and inside I usually play fetch with my toys, tug of war, or tricks and treats. I’ll tell you more about tricks and treats when I’m feeling more confident!.

I’ll play fetch with just about anything, but I get to pick the toy. Again, I can’t help it, I know what I like! Only a few special people can pick the toy for me. Playtime is a time when I really let down my guard, so I’ll only play with people I feel safe with… I hope that doesn’t make me sound spoiled!


Denning and Feeling Safe

Even though it’s my job to guard the house, sometimes I get scared.

Whenever I get sacred, I like to have something over my head to feel safe. I like to drag my bed under tables or desks and make a little den for myself. Sometimes my people even help me, bringing things to make the space feel a little more safe, or toys to make me feel comfy.

I think it’s important for everyone to have a safe place, so if you don’t have one, maybe you should try denning too! It’s a lot of fun, and you won’t regret it when you need some time for yourself.
