Going, going, gone!


It’s like a sixth sense. I can tell when they’re leaving. I don’t like it when they leave even for a few hours. When it’s overnight, it’s like torture.

The wheeled boxes made no appearance last week when they scurried about the kitchen, organizing Her purse, collecting iPhone chargers. Just the same, I had that feeling that this was more than a trip to the grocery store (which I’m often allowed to join!)

I jumped about, dancing, wagging my tail, chasing my toys, doing my most adorable, in the hope that they would take me with them. But, no. The front door opened. The front door closed. And from my perch on my chair at the window, I watched as they drove away.

You may wonder what I do with myself when I’m alone. It’s not pretty. With the run of the house, you might think it’s party time. But there’s no party without my peeps. I miss them like crazy. Last week, I just snuggled into the bed upstairs and mooned over my loneliness.

Whether She’s leaving for an hour or leaving for a day, or even leaving for a week, she always kisses me and tells me, “Don’t worry, Scout. Mama always comes back.”

Thankfully, so far, she has.

Pillow Talk

First of May, first of May, outdoor… something starts today!
Oh! Sorry, I’ve been distracted lately because I’ve been so excited!

May first means spring is in full bloom! The weather is warm, the days are long, flowers are sprouting and animals are getting lovey-dovey; there’s just something in the air! On days like today I like to curl up with a buddy and lounge around in the sun all day…

Unfortunately for me, I’m an only dog, so that kind of companionship is in short supply. Don’t get me wrong, Mom, Louie and Sam are great company, but we have a different kind of relationship—I want to lay down with someone me-sized! Even worse, all the me-sized dogs I do know never want to lie down!

Luckily, I’ve figured out a way to relieve myself when running in a pack of one. It’s not glamorous, so I take my business into another room. What can I say? A doggie’s gotta do what a doggie’s gotta do...

The Big Bed


I’ve already told you about some of my favorite spots to nap, but nothing compares to where my Mom sleeps.; when I’m good, Mom (or another family member) lets me sleep in the big bed! There’s so much space compared to my little bean bag, I don’t even mind that we’re sharing! (In fact, I usually prefer it!)

The big bed is also nice because I get to sleep between my two favorite people, Mom and Louie. It’s so cozy when all of us are together, I never want to leave! There’s also a big bed upstairs, but it’s a bit warmer up there, so I don’t like it as much. It’s usually a bit more empty too—not much to snuggle with.

I try to be on my best behavior so I get to be in the big bed most nights now! I can’t wait for bedtime!