Nighttime Reading
Believe it or not, I really enjoy reading in bed! Right now I’m reading Hamilton by Ron Chernow, which inspired the spectacular Broadway musical created by Lin Manuel Miranda, which I have never seen. I sure wish I could have seen it; everyone says it was a blockbuster... I’m happy enough to settle for the soundtrack, though.
My bed is a queen size, plenty big enough for me. When I’m feeling particularly generous — usually each night around 11 p.m. — I let Mom share it with me. You’d think we’d have enough room to stay on our separate sides, but my favorite place to sleep is snuggled up right next to her. I’m pretty sure she likes me right by her side, too. In the mornings, it’s always a tussle to see who will be the first up to make the bed. (I’ll let you in on a secret — most of the time, I let her win.)
If you have any book recommendations, please send them my way. The only thing better than snuggling up with a good book is snuggling up with my Mom!