Nighttime Reading


Believe it or not, I really enjoy reading in bed! Right now I’m reading Hamilton by Ron Chernow, which inspired the spectacular Broadway musical created by Lin Manuel Miranda, which I have never seen. I sure wish I could have seen it; everyone says it was a blockbuster... I’m happy enough to settle for the soundtrack, though.

My bed is a queen size, plenty big enough for me. When I’m feeling particularly generous — usually each night around 11 p.m. — I let Mom share it with me. You’d think we’d have enough room to stay on our separate sides, but my favorite place to sleep is snuggled up right next to her. I’m pretty sure she likes me right by her side, too. In the mornings, it’s always a tussle to see who will be the first up to make the bed. (I’ll let you in on a secret — most of the time, I let her win.)

If you have any book recommendations, please send them my way. The only thing better than snuggling up with a good book is snuggling up with my Mom!

A Really Good Chair


This is another one of my favorite places: the leather chair at Jack’s house! It’s super comfortable, there’s almost always someone sitting in it when I come over. Usually I’m so excited to be at Jack’s, I can distract myself for a little while, but when everyone gets up, I seize my chance and jump on. (It’s okay that I wasn’t invited, Jack’s house has different rules).

The rotating chair gives lets me see the entire room with minimal effort, I can keep my head down and see all the guys who come over to play. And while they’re laughing and playing and talking about sports, I like to smell the scents that have sunken into this old leather chair. Leather holds smells really well, so it’s like reading a guestbook!

The Big Bed


I’ve already told you about some of my favorite spots to nap, but nothing compares to where my Mom sleeps.; when I’m good, Mom (or another family member) lets me sleep in the big bed! There’s so much space compared to my little bean bag, I don’t even mind that we’re sharing! (In fact, I usually prefer it!)

The big bed is also nice because I get to sleep between my two favorite people, Mom and Louie. It’s so cozy when all of us are together, I never want to leave! There’s also a big bed upstairs, but it’s a bit warmer up there, so I don’t like it as much. It’s usually a bit more empty too—not much to snuggle with.

I try to be on my best behavior so I get to be in the big bed most nights now! I can’t wait for bedtime!

A Home of My Own


Jack’s house has so many fun places to sleep! This past weekend I took a trip over there and found a new place to den that I just had to share. His coffee table opens up and just happens to be the perfect size for me! As soon as we figured it out, he quickly put some blankets in there for me and I made myself at home. I don’t think I’ll be moving out of Mom’s house anytime soon, but it’s nice to know that I’ll have a place of my own if I need it. (Don’t worry Mom, I’m not going anywhere!)

The Invitation


When I first moved in with Mom, I wasn’t allowed on the furniture. Well, okay, we told everybody I wasn’t allowed on the furniture, and whenever we had company I’d be a good boy, but when it was just Mom and I, she’d pick me up and play with me on the couch… our secret!
I loved couch time so much that eventually I started jumping up on the couch whenever she sat down, but it wasn’t the same.

“Were you invited?” She would ask me.

I would look at her expectantly, my tail wagging as it slowly occurred to me that no, I wasn’t invited, and I’d hop back down. The couch just isn’t as warm if I’m not invited… I’ve gotten better at figuring out when I’m invited though. Sometimes I can even hop up without needing a vocal invitation, but I still like to be sure I’m invited. Something about the invitation makes me feel sure that it’s okay for me to be up there, that there’s a place for me; otherwise, I’m just walking all over people, which isn’t super comfy.

Of course, every now and then I’ll try my luck and hop up on my own. It feels weird, but sometimes Mom lets me get away with it!

Finding a Spot in the Sun


There are lots of great places around the house to rest your head, but I’ve noticed that if you spend just a little longer to find the right spot, it makes it that much better. Take Mom’s office for example; it’s got some great corners to lie down in, or if I’m feeling bold I can go up on the couch, but if I take my time I can find a nice warm spot in the sun.

I’ve noticed this happens outside too; there are spots that are warmer and nicer if you look for them. Laying down wherever doesn’t hurt, but you’ll be glad you put in the extra effort, I promise! Next time you need to settle down somewhere, take a little extra time and I’m sure you’ll be even more comfortable when you finally find that nice sunny spot!

Oh yeah. I could stay here for hours…

Going Bandanas! Or… The Naked Truth

Some people have noticed that I’m a pretty fashionable dog; I always wear a bandanna for flare. I think it’s really boosted my charm, and my mom keeps buying more (I think they’re all different colors but it’s hard for me to tell).


It started with a phone call.

“Your boy Scout is ready,” I heard my groomer speak into the phone.

My heart leaped with joy! Soon She would walk through the door and rescue me from the cacophony of washing and drying and cutting and snipping a dozen other yapping four-leggers parked in kennels all around me.

Me? I sat uncaged next to my groomer as she coifed another. No kennel for me. I am a good boy Scout.

Not long after that, I arrived home with a neckerchief tied around me – standard issue for any good boy scout.

She bought me another. Then another. And another.


The next time I went visiting, I arrived home with yet another kerchief of the bandana variety. Soon, She was changing my bandanas on a monthly rotation to coordinate with the colors of upcoming seasons and holidays.

            I’ve become very attached to my bandanas. Like American Express, I don’t leave home without one. In fact, when my bandana falls off after a wild and woolly game of fetch, I’m embarrassed. The naked truth is… I feel naked!

            At last count I had 17 bandanas. I hear 18 is a lucky number.


My Cousin Luna

This is my cousin Luna. She is crazy.

She has so much energy it makes me feel like an old dog. Every time she visit, she jumps on the furniture and runs around, I don’t know how she does it. She lives pretty far away, so I don’t see her too often, which is kind of a relief. (I really hope she doesn’t see this.)

I’m not really related to Luna, but mom says she’s part of the family. I think she is a Yorkshire Terrier.

Even though we butt heads a lot, I like having her around when she’s calm. It’s kind of nice to have someone else in the house that’s my size… as long as she doesn’t eat my food!


Denning and Feeling Safe

Even though it’s my job to guard the house, sometimes I get scared.

Whenever I get sacred, I like to have something over my head to feel safe. I like to drag my bed under tables or desks and make a little den for myself. Sometimes my people even help me, bringing things to make the space feel a little more safe, or toys to make me feel comfy.

I think it’s important for everyone to have a safe place, so if you don’t have one, maybe you should try denning too! It’s a lot of fun, and you won’t regret it when you need some time for yourself.


My Favorite Bean Bag

Even though my days are pretty busy with guarding the house, it’s important to take time for yourself. When I need some personal time, I go to my favorite napping place: the bean bag in my mom’s room.

First of all, bean bags are great. Whoever invented them is one of my favorite people. They’re so cozy and comfy, and they conform to whatever position I want to lie in. Other furniture is good too, but bean bags are definitely the best.

Second, the bean bag in my mom’s room is right next to the air conditioning vent. It’s warm on a cold winter night, and cool on a hot summer day—how does it know? Either way, I’m not complaining. I like feeling a little wind in my fur.

I think I feel a nap coming on now. If you need me, you’ll know where to find me!
