Nighttime Reading


Believe it or not, I really enjoy reading in bed! Right now I’m reading Hamilton by Ron Chernow, which inspired the spectacular Broadway musical created by Lin Manuel Miranda, which I have never seen. I sure wish I could have seen it; everyone says it was a blockbuster... I’m happy enough to settle for the soundtrack, though.

My bed is a queen size, plenty big enough for me. When I’m feeling particularly generous — usually each night around 11 p.m. — I let Mom share it with me. You’d think we’d have enough room to stay on our separate sides, but my favorite place to sleep is snuggled up right next to her. I’m pretty sure she likes me right by her side, too. In the mornings, it’s always a tussle to see who will be the first up to make the bed. (I’ll let you in on a secret — most of the time, I let her win.)

If you have any book recommendations, please send them my way. The only thing better than snuggling up with a good book is snuggling up with my Mom!

A Really Good Chair


This is another one of my favorite places: the leather chair at Jack’s house! It’s super comfortable, there’s almost always someone sitting in it when I come over. Usually I’m so excited to be at Jack’s, I can distract myself for a little while, but when everyone gets up, I seize my chance and jump on. (It’s okay that I wasn’t invited, Jack’s house has different rules).

The rotating chair gives lets me see the entire room with minimal effort, I can keep my head down and see all the guys who come over to play. And while they’re laughing and playing and talking about sports, I like to smell the scents that have sunken into this old leather chair. Leather holds smells really well, so it’s like reading a guestbook!

The Big Bed


I’ve already told you about some of my favorite spots to nap, but nothing compares to where my Mom sleeps.; when I’m good, Mom (or another family member) lets me sleep in the big bed! There’s so much space compared to my little bean bag, I don’t even mind that we’re sharing! (In fact, I usually prefer it!)

The big bed is also nice because I get to sleep between my two favorite people, Mom and Louie. It’s so cozy when all of us are together, I never want to leave! There’s also a big bed upstairs, but it’s a bit warmer up there, so I don’t like it as much. It’s usually a bit more empty too—not much to snuggle with.

I try to be on my best behavior so I get to be in the big bed most nights now! I can’t wait for bedtime!

The Invitation


When I first moved in with Mom, I wasn’t allowed on the furniture. Well, okay, we told everybody I wasn’t allowed on the furniture, and whenever we had company I’d be a good boy, but when it was just Mom and I, she’d pick me up and play with me on the couch… our secret!
I loved couch time so much that eventually I started jumping up on the couch whenever she sat down, but it wasn’t the same.

“Were you invited?” She would ask me.

I would look at her expectantly, my tail wagging as it slowly occurred to me that no, I wasn’t invited, and I’d hop back down. The couch just isn’t as warm if I’m not invited… I’ve gotten better at figuring out when I’m invited though. Sometimes I can even hop up without needing a vocal invitation, but I still like to be sure I’m invited. Something about the invitation makes me feel sure that it’s okay for me to be up there, that there’s a place for me; otherwise, I’m just walking all over people, which isn’t super comfy.

Of course, every now and then I’ll try my luck and hop up on my own. It feels weird, but sometimes Mom lets me get away with it!

Lookout Scout, or… Doing My Job


         The walnut Victorian chair that has been in the family for five generations is my window on the world – or at least, the street in front of my house. From my perch on the chair, I see children walking by on their way to school (arf!), delivery men double-parked as they dash up to a neighbor’s porch (arf! arf!), other dogs out walking their people (triple arf!).

          When anyone approaches our front door, I let loose with an arf-arf-arf for the ages! Our old house has no doorbell. But it has me!

          There are a couple of visitors I love so much I practically pee when I see them coming. One is Ewa, who stays with me when my family goes away overnight without me. I always know when she’s coming because the day before she arrives, the black boxes on wheels come out of the closets. I hate those black boxes. I hate that they go, but I love it when Ewa comes! She takes me on extra-long walks and speaks to me in a language I don’t really understand, but I can tell that she’s saying nice things by her tone.

          Another person who makes my tail wag like crazy is Jack. Jack is so cool… he comes in and sits down and lets me leap onto his lap. He pets me as he visits the family. Sometimes he takes me over to his house. I have special spots there where I like to hang out. Under his bed is one of my favorites.

I don’t bark at Ewa or Jack. But anyone else will hear my arf-arf-arf when they approach. There’s no need to be alarmed. After all, I’m just doing my job.


My Favorite Bean Bag

Even though my days are pretty busy with guarding the house, it’s important to take time for yourself. When I need some personal time, I go to my favorite napping place: the bean bag in my mom’s room.

First of all, bean bags are great. Whoever invented them is one of my favorite people. They’re so cozy and comfy, and they conform to whatever position I want to lie in. Other furniture is good too, but bean bags are definitely the best.

Second, the bean bag in my mom’s room is right next to the air conditioning vent. It’s warm on a cold winter night, and cool on a hot summer day—how does it know? Either way, I’m not complaining. I like feeling a little wind in my fur.

I think I feel a nap coming on now. If you need me, you’ll know where to find me!
