When I'm Alone
When everyone goes out and I have the house to myself, I can do whatever I want! But… that’s not as much fun as it sounds. I like snuggling and socializing, so being alone can be kind of boring sometimes, especially because I don’t know how to tell time and I don’t know how long I’ll be alone for! Sometimes it feels like forever!!
Things are usually pretty quiet when the house is empty. There’s no one to play with, so I try to focus on work and not get to excited every time a car that looks like Mom’s drives by… I know she’ll come back! It’s moments like this that I remember I’m an extrovert, and I get my energy from playing with others.
Luckily I’m never home alone for too long, and Mom makes sure people check in on me if she can’t, so I’m usually only a short nap away from seeing her again!