Small Dog, Big Internet

It really looks like my “blog” has been taking off lately! I don’t really know what it means… but I’m glad the numbers are going up!


It’s really exciting to see, but sometimes I worry about being too fixated on social media. It’s fun, but it’s not real life—it’s not a substitute for real head-pats and belly rubs. I think it’s easy for people to get lost in the digital scramble. Less easy for dogs, but hey, I’m a trend setter.

I’ve seen people get too stuck on social media, so I’m making sure to limit my time online. If the internet ever gets you down, don’t forget you can always go outside and take a breather! The internet makes life seem really fast paced sometimes, but it’s okay to slow down. Internet drama has a way of taking over and making it seem like the end of the world, I’ve noticed.

Safe surfing, everyone!

Lookout Scout, or… Doing My Job


         The walnut Victorian chair that has been in the family for five generations is my window on the world – or at least, the street in front of my house. From my perch on the chair, I see children walking by on their way to school (arf!), delivery men double-parked as they dash up to a neighbor’s porch (arf! arf!), other dogs out walking their people (triple arf!).

          When anyone approaches our front door, I let loose with an arf-arf-arf for the ages! Our old house has no doorbell. But it has me!

          There are a couple of visitors I love so much I practically pee when I see them coming. One is Ewa, who stays with me when my family goes away overnight without me. I always know when she’s coming because the day before she arrives, the black boxes on wheels come out of the closets. I hate those black boxes. I hate that they go, but I love it when Ewa comes! She takes me on extra-long walks and speaks to me in a language I don’t really understand, but I can tell that she’s saying nice things by her tone.

          Another person who makes my tail wag like crazy is Jack. Jack is so cool… he comes in and sits down and lets me leap onto his lap. He pets me as he visits the family. Sometimes he takes me over to his house. I have special spots there where I like to hang out. Under his bed is one of my favorites.

I don’t bark at Ewa or Jack. But anyone else will hear my arf-arf-arf when they approach. There’s no need to be alarmed. After all, I’m just doing my job.
