Staying Cool


Yep, that’s me, sitting directly next to the air conditioner with a fan pointed straight at me, sitting in the shade of Sam’s desk. It’s the coolest place I can find in this heat wave! I heard it was over 100 degrees outside! Do you know how hot that is in dog temperature??

Luckily, Sam made a nice little spot for me where I can chill out. Being hot stinks, but being hot and furry is way worse… At least my fur is white, so I don’t get as hot as some other dogs!

Make sure you’re keeping your furry friends comfy as the summer continues to heat up! Oh, and don’t overheat yourself either! Don’t worry about me though. I’m in good hands, and a suave dog like myself knows how to keep his cool.

Going, going, gone!


It’s like a sixth sense. I can tell when they’re leaving. I don’t like it when they leave even for a few hours. When it’s overnight, it’s like torture.

The wheeled boxes made no appearance last week when they scurried about the kitchen, organizing Her purse, collecting iPhone chargers. Just the same, I had that feeling that this was more than a trip to the grocery store (which I’m often allowed to join!)

I jumped about, dancing, wagging my tail, chasing my toys, doing my most adorable, in the hope that they would take me with them. But, no. The front door opened. The front door closed. And from my perch on my chair at the window, I watched as they drove away.

You may wonder what I do with myself when I’m alone. It’s not pretty. With the run of the house, you might think it’s party time. But there’s no party without my peeps. I miss them like crazy. Last week, I just snuggled into the bed upstairs and mooned over my loneliness.

Whether She’s leaving for an hour or leaving for a day, or even leaving for a week, she always kisses me and tells me, “Don’t worry, Scout. Mama always comes back.”

Thankfully, so far, she has.

A Home of My Own


Jack’s house has so many fun places to sleep! This past weekend I took a trip over there and found a new place to den that I just had to share. His coffee table opens up and just happens to be the perfect size for me! As soon as we figured it out, he quickly put some blankets in there for me and I made myself at home. I don’t think I’ll be moving out of Mom’s house anytime soon, but it’s nice to know that I’ll have a place of my own if I need it. (Don’t worry Mom, I’m not going anywhere!)

Denning and Feeling Safe

Even though it’s my job to guard the house, sometimes I get scared.

Whenever I get sacred, I like to have something over my head to feel safe. I like to drag my bed under tables or desks and make a little den for myself. Sometimes my people even help me, bringing things to make the space feel a little more safe, or toys to make me feel comfy.

I think it’s important for everyone to have a safe place, so if you don’t have one, maybe you should try denning too! It’s a lot of fun, and you won’t regret it when you need some time for yourself.
