Let Sleeping Dogs Lie


I’m a pretty cute guy, so I get a lot of attention when I’m out and about; “Oh, he’s so cute, can I pet him?” is not an uncommon phrase to this lucky dog. I love the attention when I’m ready for it, but at the end of a long day of exercise and preening for my fans, a boy needs some rest!

Occasionally, though, the fans won’t relent. I get paparazzi in my room when I sleep, or sometimes they wake me up when I’m sleeping on the couch because it’s time for a walk… can’t they see I’m in the middle of some quality snoozing? Oh well… I know I shouldn’t complain, but I wish I could let them know I’d like to not be bothered when I’m asleep!

Almost Famous!

We were out shopping for greeting cards the other day when I suddenly did a double-take. There on the rack was a picture of ... me!

Except... I don’t know how to play guitar. And I don’t stand up straight on my hind legs. Maybe I’d be on a card, too, if I could do those things.

Thus, a close brush with fame, but until I learn a few more tricks, I guess my doppelganger gets to keep the royalties.

Pillow Talk

First of May, first of May, outdoor… something starts today!
Oh! Sorry, I’ve been distracted lately because I’ve been so excited!

May first means spring is in full bloom! The weather is warm, the days are long, flowers are sprouting and animals are getting lovey-dovey; there’s just something in the air! On days like today I like to curl up with a buddy and lounge around in the sun all day…

Unfortunately for me, I’m an only dog, so that kind of companionship is in short supply. Don’t get me wrong, Mom, Louie and Sam are great company, but we have a different kind of relationship—I want to lay down with someone me-sized! Even worse, all the me-sized dogs I do know never want to lie down!

Luckily, I’ve figured out a way to relieve myself when running in a pack of one. It’s not glamorous, so I take my business into another room. What can I say? A doggie’s gotta do what a doggie’s gotta do...

Out Like a Lion

Just when I thought it was sunny springtime, it started raining again!


Sometimes rain just means I get a little wet on my walks, but when it’s really bad, I need to get out my rain gear. Mom puts little booties on my paws to keep them dry and warm, which is really nice when the ground is so muddy and dirty—white fur gets dirty quickly! The first time I wore them, they took a little getting used to, but they feel a little more comfortable now… Still, I think I’d prefer if I didn’t have to wear them…


Besides booties, I also have a little rain coat! I really don’t mind wearing it as much as the boots, and it keeps me way more dry! Hopefully I won’t need to wear them for much longer, I’m ready for spring time!