

I admit it. I can’t help myself. It’s like an instinct. I see one scurrying across the back fence and — boom! Like a rocket I’m on the attack!

Trouble is, I never seem to be able to catch one. I’ve even tried my best to climb trees to reach ‘em, but no dice. Five years now I’ve been at it (probably longer, if you count my pre-forever homes) and still I’m coming up empty.

When I’m out on a walk, I really, really try to keep myself in check. I know She’s not happy when I take off like that, but... geez... what’s a guy to do? Those bushy-tailed rats don’t belong in my realm. I see one and... bam! But so far, to no avail.

Still, I keep trying. Like I said, it’s an instinct. And just you wait, one of these days... I’m going to catch one!

Pillow Talk

First of May, first of May, outdoor… something starts today!
Oh! Sorry, I’ve been distracted lately because I’ve been so excited!

May first means spring is in full bloom! The weather is warm, the days are long, flowers are sprouting and animals are getting lovey-dovey; there’s just something in the air! On days like today I like to curl up with a buddy and lounge around in the sun all day…

Unfortunately for me, I’m an only dog, so that kind of companionship is in short supply. Don’t get me wrong, Mom, Louie and Sam are great company, but we have a different kind of relationship—I want to lay down with someone me-sized! Even worse, all the me-sized dogs I do know never want to lie down!

Luckily, I’ve figured out a way to relieve myself when running in a pack of one. It’s not glamorous, so I take my business into another room. What can I say? A doggie’s gotta do what a doggie’s gotta do...

Spring is here!


Spring is here, spring is here, spring is here!!

I love spring! There are so many colorful flowers and the weather is so nice, not too hot or too cold; I think it’s my favorite time of year! I always take a little extra time on my morning walks to smell the fresh flowers, and this time of year, they’re especially potent. Of course, it’s easy for me to enjoy all the different smells, I don’t have any allergies. That’s not true for all the people I live with though, they have to start taking allergy medicine so they’re not sneezing all day.

If you need springtime allergy medicine, don’t be afraid to get some; I want everyone to enjoy the nice weather as much as I do!

Tricks and Treats, Part I

         The first trick I ever learned was “Jump!”


           Both my Cousin Luna (Yorkie) and my Cousin Ellie (Havanese) know this trick. Their people stand in tree pose – aren’t you impressed by my reference to yoga? With one foot firmly planted on the opposite.  inner calf, our people’s legs form an open triangle, just big enough for little guys like us to leap through. Ta da!

          It didn’t take me long to master the trick. We didn’t even need a YouTube video for this one. It’s my first, my easiest, and maybe my most impressive trick, the one we always save for company.

          “Jump!” She says, and I take a running start at Her Vrksasana.

          Trouble is, sometimes Her balance is not so good. Sometimes, as I’m in mid-approach, she teeters from Vrksasana and winds up in Tadasana (which is mountain pose for you uninitiated.) There’s no getting a “ta da” when she’s in Tadasana, Then I can’t “jump!” and I don’t get a treat, which hardly seems fair.

          My workaround is another crowdpleaser: Roll over.

          I like “roll over” because her Tadasana poses no impediment to my “ta da” and my treat!


Picky Playtime


I try to play and exercise every day. Luckily, I’m small enough that I can play inside, when I’m in the mood!

But here’s the thing, I won’t play with just anybody. And I have to be in the mood, I’m very particular about what mood I’m in when I’m playing. Don’t take it personally if I’m not feeling playful when you visit, it’s just how I am, and being playful on command is a trick this dog ain’t learning. (Woof!)

Lucky for me, I’m small enough that when I do want to play, I basically have my run of the house; I’m small enough to play inside and outside. Outside I like to chase squirrels and roll on the ground, and inside I usually play fetch with my toys, tug of war, or tricks and treats. I’ll tell you more about tricks and treats when I’m feeling more confident!.

I’ll play fetch with just about anything, but I get to pick the toy. Again, I can’t help it, I know what I like! Only a few special people can pick the toy for me. Playtime is a time when I really let down my guard, so I’ll only play with people I feel safe with… I hope that doesn’t make me sound spoiled!
