The Little Guy


There are lots of fun stuffed animals around the house, but not all of them are mine, believe it or not! Sam has a lot of stuffed animals in her room upstairs. I don’t know why she has so many, I never see her play with them! In fact, she doesn’t play much at all! Her toys generally just sit in her room… except the little guy.

The little guy looks like he should be my toy. Every time I see him, I just want to chew on him and play, but Sam always takes him away from me…. I think he’s really important. He looks like a little black and white dog, like me! Sometimes when she’s really sad, I see her holding him, and she takes him with her when she goes out late at night.

I don’t really get it, but I understand wanting to have something to comfort you when you’re feeling low. Still, when she’s away and he’s home alone, I like to try to play with the little guy when I get the chance… why should she get to have all the fun?

Tricks and Treats, Part I

         The first trick I ever learned was “Jump!”


           Both my Cousin Luna (Yorkie) and my Cousin Ellie (Havanese) know this trick. Their people stand in tree pose – aren’t you impressed by my reference to yoga? With one foot firmly planted on the opposite.  inner calf, our people’s legs form an open triangle, just big enough for little guys like us to leap through. Ta da!

          It didn’t take me long to master the trick. We didn’t even need a YouTube video for this one. It’s my first, my easiest, and maybe my most impressive trick, the one we always save for company.

          “Jump!” She says, and I take a running start at Her Vrksasana.

          Trouble is, sometimes Her balance is not so good. Sometimes, as I’m in mid-approach, she teeters from Vrksasana and winds up in Tadasana (which is mountain pose for you uninitiated.) There’s no getting a “ta da” when she’s in Tadasana, Then I can’t “jump!” and I don’t get a treat, which hardly seems fair.

          My workaround is another crowdpleaser: Roll over.

          I like “roll over” because her Tadasana poses no impediment to my “ta da” and my treat!
