My Favorite Bean Bag

Even though my days are pretty busy with guarding the house, it’s important to take time for yourself. When I need some personal time, I go to my favorite napping place: the bean bag in my mom’s room.

First of all, bean bags are great. Whoever invented them is one of my favorite people. They’re so cozy and comfy, and they conform to whatever position I want to lie in. Other furniture is good too, but bean bags are definitely the best.

Second, the bean bag in my mom’s room is right next to the air conditioning vent. It’s warm on a cold winter night, and cool on a hot summer day—how does it know? Either way, I’m not complaining. I like feeling a little wind in my fur.

I think I feel a nap coming on now. If you need me, you’ll know where to find me!


The Importance of Walks

Even though my legs are kinda short, walking is one of my favorite activities!

Whether I’m walking through the nearby bay lands or trotting around the block, I think I’ll always have energy for another walk. The exercise is great, but my favorite part is all the different things I get to smell while I’m out and about. I always take time to smell all the messages left by my neighborhood friends so I’m up to date on the latest news; it’s not just time for me to go to the bathroom, it’s time to socialize! (People do that too… right?)

Sometimes while I’m out, I even see another dog! Although unless I know them really well, I’m not really interested in playing. I’m a lone wolf, I like to go at my own pace.
