Road Trip!

I gotta be honest: When I see those black wheeled boxes come out of the closet, I pretty much freak out. I can sense the tension rising as personal items are stacked neatly inside and toiletries are left on the countertop for later inclusion. My people are off again, and I wonder what’s going to become of ME?

I make my presence known, scampering underfoot and breathing heavily. With a little yip, I convey the question that’s top of mind: Can I come? Can I? Can I, huh?

They’ve taken to calling me “FOMO Boy,” as in Fear of Missing Out, and I suppose I am. I always want to go along for the ride. My favorite place is by their side.

So you can imagine my glee when she turned to me and said, “Don’t worry. You’re coming, Buddy.”

Where to seemed irrelevant, but the place we went was oh, so gloriously amazing!

Most everyone who goes to the wine country is familiar with the drill: Pull into a charming chateau-style property, surrounded by rows and rows of perfectly placed wine bushes awash in autumn sunlight. The colors of gold and green at the end of the harvest are nothing short of breathtaking. Taking a seat on the inevitably lovely deck or patio, we sit back and relax as little pours are brought to the table, each with an explanation of the nose, the body, the flavors, and the character of the wine to be imbibed. Matrix was like this. A beautiful spot in the Dry Creek valley, where our sommelier Matt took wonderful care of my people and even had a treat for me!

Enjoying a glass of wine at Matrix

Our next appointment was a far cry from the usual winetasting experience. A dirt road delivered us to a ramshackle warehouse with antique equipment littered across the property. Our host, in tattered jeans and a well-worn t-shirt, greeted us from his perch on his forklift, where he was loading cases of wine onto a FedEx truck.

Meet Fred Scherrer, a one-man band when it comes to the creation of some of the best wine the wine country has to offer. Even white wine drinkers have to agree that the full-bodied flavors tickle the taste buds without the tannin or afterbite that normally keeps them off the red.

Tasting amidst the production at Scherrer, with proprietor Fred

With master winemaker Fred Scherrer, who does it the old fashioned way!

No fancy tasting room here. After showing us his hundred-year-old grape crushing equipment and the lunch room he generously dubbed the tasting lab, where he had set up glasses of various varietals he planned to combine into the perfect blend, Fred plopped three glasses on top of a stack of cases of wine – our “table.” No vineyard views here. Just the oak and stainless steel barrels, and so many cases of wine that it’s hard to imagine Scherrer produces just 6,000 cases per year. But Fred is just one guy, after all. And he does it all himself, from bringing in the crop, to crushing the grapes, to creating the blends that produce the best $34 bottle known to California. Heck, he even bottles and labels the wine himself.

No doubt our two-hour visit took him from important duties. A UC-Davis viticulture graduate, Fred’s father and grandfather before him made wine the old-fashioned way, just like he does.

And why not? The result is exquisite.

I’m just hoping a drop or two of the two cases we brought home wind up on the floor, where I can savor a sniff or a taste.

Best Day Ever!

It was a glorious day in the Palo Alto Baylands, made all the more glorious by my dear friend Marla, who met me for an ambitious mid-morning walk among the natural flora and fauna.

It was a very warm day, but the brisk breeze across the bay worked its magic, cooling us as we strode among the levies, watching pelicans, coots, and Marla’s favorite, the great blue heron. That is one amazing bird!

I did my best not to mark every grassy spot we passed, but being a territorial little boy, it’s tough not to stake out your turf. The baylands are full of fascinating scents I don’t encounter around my house. Marla responded to my curiosity with a generous dose of patience.

When we finished, we’d logged our 10,000 steps (that’s 40,000 in dog steps) and enjoyed a wonderful morning together.

Any time you want to do it again, Marla, just have your gal call my gal!

Marla and Scout.jpg

Best Day Ever!

A balmly breeze off the bay brought the perfect end to a beautiful morning at the Baylands.

My 6th Scoutiversary!

Woof woof!

Gosh it feels like it’s been a little while… but today is a very special day: six years ago today, my mom found me at an adoption fair, and brought me home to my forever home! Aren’t we cute? Since then, the house has changed a whole lot, but mom’s love hasn’t diminished even a little, and it’s mutual! Walls have been painted, people have moved in and out, and the backyard (one of my favorite places) looks totally different now!


Through it all though, I’ve tried my best to take care of my family and keep the house safe. Sometimes mom tells me that I’m helpful just by being around; I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this, but this blog was started as an outlet to help mom’s other pup, Sam, overcome her depression… I’m not sure what I did, but I’m glad I could help! When we first met, Sam wore different clothes and didn’t smile very much, but doesn’t she look happy now?


Of course, the house wouldn’t feel the same without Louie, mom’s favorite bed buddy. We chill on the couch and listen to music, I take him for walks around the neighborhood, and every now and then, if I’m really lucky, he’ll give me a bone! Oh boy, I bet I’m gonna get one tonight too!!


Lately I’ve been getting a lot more family time than I’m used to. I know the grownups in my life are probably getting cabin fever, but I’m happy to keep them company and teach them to lounge in the sun if it means staying safe at home with me.

I don’t know what the future has in store, but I know who I want to spend it with.



I’ve heard it said pregnant women fall in love with their obstetricians. Well, I’ve fallen in love with my veterinarian! Just look at her! She’s stunning! And as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside!

Dr. Smith always tells me how cute I am and gives me treats ... just for being me! No tricks required! When I went in for my check-up, she noticed I’d recently had a bath. (Mom had to tell her, “I’ve always bathed my kids before they see the doctor. Why should Scout be any different?”) She tells me I’m the cutest... you might think she says that to all her patients, but, dang, if she’s pulling my leg, she’s a great actress!

Some might call me crazy, but I absolutely LOVE going to the vet! When we pull into the parking lot, I literally leap across the front console to be the first one out when the car door opens. When we walk through the front doors, we see a big “Welcome!” white board that has my name on it! The receptionists and technicians know me by sight and fuss over me almost like my family. Who wouldn’t love that? It seems to me all the folks at VCA Palo Alto love their jobs, they love us dogs, and they’re not afraid to show it.

As long as I have Dr. Smith to care for me, a visit to the vet is a piece of cake.

Happy Birthday USA!


It's America's birthday and I'm festooned!

I'm celebrating America's birthday all month long, and so happy now that those scary fireworks are in the rear view mirror. They had me quivering under the bed like a leaf flapping in the breeze.

Things have been a little unsettling for the birthday girl in recent years -- 74 percent turnover at the president’s house, trade wars, and a human right crisis… and that's just for starters. I’m glad I just have to take care of my little house; a dog’s life doesn’t seem so bad in comparison.

Despite the turmoil, there's nowhere else I'd rather be than the land of the free and the home of the brave. Things have gotten more political on TV lately, and I can’t help but appreciate that even though things are far from perfect, there’s an opportunity for them to change.

Listen, it could be worse. In that country led by the president's buddy, I heard they eat dog meat with their kimchi. If that's true, I’d definitely rather stay in the states.

Seedpods and Fox tails and Burrs, Oh My!

It’s a lot of fun playing outside, but occasionally, I’ll feel really itchy after I do. Little burrs and fox tails can get stuck in my fur, and I can’t pull them out with my teeth or my paws. Sometimes my family will see me working on one (I’m too proud to ask for help) and come to my rescue. These little stickies can become a really big problem for pups like me, especially if they get stuck between my toes, or somewhere really hard to reach. In some cases, burs can get under the skin and even cause an infection… yikes!


Whenever you go out with your furry pals, make sure you take a minute to check for any seedlings that may have become attached during playtime. Not all dogs can communicate when they have them, like me, and they can become really big problems if left unchecked. If you see your fuzzy buddy picking at something, or trying to shake something loose from their fur, lend a helping hand!

Nice Ride!


There’s nothing like the thrill of a car ride! Whether I’m in my own seat, nose to the window, or sitting on a cushy lap, I love to go anywhere and everywhere with my peeps, even if they sometimes have to leave me in the car while they run an errand.

Temps have been heating up! Even in warm weather, it’s not so safe for me to be left alone in the car when She dashes into the dry cleaners or grocery store. At a mere 70 degrees outside, it takes just 10 minutes before the interior heats up to 90 degrees! Opening windows does nothing to lower the temperature.

It used to be that on these super hot days I had to stay home alone, which made me kind of sad. But, wonder of wonders! My peeps got a new gadget in their car called “Dog Mode.” Now, when they have to leave me in the car, they can leave the air conditioning on for me!

Even better, for the good samaritans walking by, who might think I’m suffering, a message in large type fills the navigation screen: “My owner will be back soon. Don’t worry. The A/C is on and it’s 68 degrees.”

I can’t wait to see how “Dog Mode” works in the winter time. If I’m a very good boy, maybe my peeps will turn on the seat heater for me, too!

A Friend in Need


There are days I just know I need to stay close. A look in Her eye, a quieter-than-usual demeanor, even Her smell lets me know when She's having a tough time of it.

I'm not making this up. There is actually scientific research demonstrating that we of the canine persuasion can sense human emotions by sniffing our peeps' sweat! (D’Aniello, B., Semin, G., Alterisio, A., Aria, M., & Scandurra, A. (2017). Inter-species transmission of emotional information via chemo signals: from humans to dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). Animal Cognition, 21(1), 67-78. doi:)

When I sense She's upset, that's when I step in to do my best job being (Wo)man's Best Friend! Sometimes it's as simple as lying nearby. Other times She needs more, so I lay my head on her lap while she's reading. She might not want to be with people but She's always happy to be with me!

When I'm giving the best of myself, it's only a matter of time before She's back to her old rockin' self, and we're chasing toys, doing tricks, and getting treats!

A Seat at the Table


One of the first rules I learned when I started living with Mom was no people food. That doesn’t stop me from still trying to sneak a bite here or there, but sometimes, when I look up and see everyone eating at the table, I can’t help but feel a little left out.

Jack seemed to notice this last weekend, so he picked me up and put me up on a seat at the table, with Mom’s permission, of course. I wasn’t allowed to eat any food, but sitting was just fine! I was surprised to see that my family doesn’t eat the same brand of kibble that I do. Their food smells much better.... but I know if I try to sneak a bite, my seat at the table is as good as gone.

Still, it’s nice to be included with the big kids every now and then!

Staying Cool


Yep, that’s me, sitting directly next to the air conditioner with a fan pointed straight at me, sitting in the shade of Sam’s desk. It’s the coolest place I can find in this heat wave! I heard it was over 100 degrees outside! Do you know how hot that is in dog temperature??

Luckily, Sam made a nice little spot for me where I can chill out. Being hot stinks, but being hot and furry is way worse… At least my fur is white, so I don’t get as hot as some other dogs!

Make sure you’re keeping your furry friends comfy as the summer continues to heat up! Oh, and don’t overheat yourself either! Don’t worry about me though. I’m in good hands, and a suave dog like myself knows how to keep his cool.

Freshly Groomed and Feeling Fresh


There’s not a lot better for a good boy than a good haircut. Seriously, my friends at the groomer’s do such a great job with me, I almost feel like a puppy again! Of course, when you’re looking this fresh, it’s hard not to get some attention; the extra round head, the short need fur, it’s a babe magnet!

I honestly don’t mind the extra love, even when I’m a little sleepy. When my fur is so spotless and clean, I feel like I could be the center of attention for hours, so even when I’m feeling a nap coming on, I’ll try to look my best. After all, it’s not nice to leave your fans (and family) wanting!

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie


I’m a pretty cute guy, so I get a lot of attention when I’m out and about; “Oh, he’s so cute, can I pet him?” is not an uncommon phrase to this lucky dog. I love the attention when I’m ready for it, but at the end of a long day of exercise and preening for my fans, a boy needs some rest!

Occasionally, though, the fans won’t relent. I get paparazzi in my room when I sleep, or sometimes they wake me up when I’m sleeping on the couch because it’s time for a walk… can’t they see I’m in the middle of some quality snoozing? Oh well… I know I shouldn’t complain, but I wish I could let them know I’d like to not be bothered when I’m asleep!

Where Did She Go...?


“Look at how he looks at you, he loves you!”

People say this to Mom all the time when we’re together. I feel like I’m being accused of something, but I think I’m guilty as charged—I do love Her! When we’re together there’s a glint in my eyes and bounce in my trot. Mom is the best because she makes so much time for me. We write, we walk, we play, it’s the best!

Oh, but sometimes, she goes out and I just don’t know what to do. Sam jokes about how I get all mopey when Mom’s not around. I’d tease her about something but… oh, I just can’t take it! When are you coming home Mom?? And where did you go that I couldn’t follow…?


I’m sure she’ll be home in a few hours… Mama always comes back.



I hear that in the 1960s, kids who went in for check-ups got lollipops.

By the 1990s, sugar had been exposed as a health hazard, so pediatricians started handing out stickers to their young patients instead.

I gotta tell you, those old-time docs got nothing on mine!

The other day I went in for a routine Bortedella booster. Mom waited patiently in the lobby as way more time than necessary passed. Finally, the veterinary technician brought me back to her.

“Administering a shot doesn’t usually take so long,” she apologized. “But we all wanted a turn to cuddle with Scout.”

My membership in VCA Care Club meant there was no charge for the vaccine, but Mom didn’t know that. As she approached the front desk preparing to pay, the receptionist asked, “Does Scout like to play with balls?” She waggled a mini-tennis ball before me as Mom considered whether to take it.

“We know Scout likes to wear bandanas,” she said. (Apparently, they read my blog!) “Maybe you’d prefer a bandana?”


“Orange or blue?” her colleague asked me.

“Oh, give him one of each,” the first one said. “And a ball.”

I came home with a bushelful of loot — so much I hardly remember the shot! Now that’s what I call good bedside manner.

Almost Famous!

We were out shopping for greeting cards the other day when I suddenly did a double-take. There on the rack was a picture of ... me!

Except... I don’t know how to play guitar. And I don’t stand up straight on my hind legs. Maybe I’d be on a card, too, if I could do those things.

Thus, a close brush with fame, but until I learn a few more tricks, I guess my doppelganger gets to keep the royalties.

Car Rides

I always get anxious when Mom looks like she’s getting ready to go out—am I coming too? Where are we going? And for how long??

Sometimes it means a shift of guard duty for me, but sometimes it means I get to ride around in the car with Mom! It’s so much fun to watch the scenery pass by from an air conditioned car. Occasionally, I’ll roll down the window and get a whiff of whatever smells we pass by. I can see why other dogs love sticking their heads out of the window so much!

I usually like to sit in the passenger seat, or in the space below the passenger seat so I can lie in the shade. Half the fun of driving somewhere is hopping out of the car and trying to figure out where we are: Stanford? The bay lands? (gasp) Jack’s house??

Other times I like to sit right in on the driver’s lap with Mama. Luckily I’m small enough that I don’t get in the way when she’s steering. It’s fun to sit in the captain’s chair, I can’t wait until my next car ride!

What am I?

What am I? No, it’s not an existential question. It’s a question I get all the time. As in, “He’s sooooo cute! What is he?”

I assume it’s obvious I’m of the canine persuasion. So they must be asking about my breed.

First of all, it’s kind of personal question, right? It’s not exactly politically correct to question another’s parentage. But what the hay? We’re among intimates here on DNA testing is all the rage, not that I’m going to go that far here, but I will share what I know with you, my dear reader,  and explain the sad facts of why I don’t know more.

You see, I’m a rescue dog. I was shuttled from family to family — four, count ‘em four times in three years — before I got scooped up into my forever home. (What a happy day that was!)  I never knew my parents and my paper trail is a little bit spotty, with various veterinary records rather poorly redacting prior owners’ names and addresses. (“Redacting” is word I learned watching the news this spring!) 

One document identified me as Pomeranian, which, as you can see, is not even close. Others have labeled me “Terrier” — itself a catch-all for many breeds — as well as “Havanese,” “Mixed Breed,” and “Terrier-Havanese Mix.” (Click on the photo to see the breeds)

I took a look at Google images, and frankly, West Highland Terriers looks kind of like cousins. The Jack Russell Terrier’s color pattern and stocky body type look a little bit like mine. Neither are a perfect match.

Here’s a photo of a Havanese I grabbed from the web. It’s almost like looking in the mirror, right? The Havanese is a Cuban circus dog, bred for the aptitude to perform clever tricks. I love to do tricks. I can balance a treat on my nose, roll over, beg, spin, dance, and jump through Her legs. Just sayin’... I am pretty good at tricks. But I am about 30 percent bigger than a Havanese, and more barrel-chested.

So what am I? Wavanese? Javanese? Tavanese? Herrier?

In the end, what does it matter?

I’m pretty happy just being Scout.

Dinner with Company, Please!


A wise dog once said: “What’s dinner without company?” What’s that? They didn’t? Well I’m saying it!

I hate eating all by myself. In fact, I just won’t eat unless there’s someone else with me in the kitchen, preferably eating as well. Food is supposed to bring people together, so how can I enjoy it when I’m all on my own?

Of course, not everyone shares my love for social eating. By happenstance, life pulls my family away at meal time, and they get nervous when I don’t eat. If I could talk, I’d tell them I’m waiting for them, but I understand that life can’t wait sometimes. Even so, I still find it hard to eat when I’m alone.

I’m not alone in this right? Food is meant to be enjoyed with friends and family!