Going, going, gone!


It’s like a sixth sense. I can tell when they’re leaving. I don’t like it when they leave even for a few hours. When it’s overnight, it’s like torture.

The wheeled boxes made no appearance last week when they scurried about the kitchen, organizing Her purse, collecting iPhone chargers. Just the same, I had that feeling that this was more than a trip to the grocery store (which I’m often allowed to join!)

I jumped about, dancing, wagging my tail, chasing my toys, doing my most adorable, in the hope that they would take me with them. But, no. The front door opened. The front door closed. And from my perch on my chair at the window, I watched as they drove away.

You may wonder what I do with myself when I’m alone. It’s not pretty. With the run of the house, you might think it’s party time. But there’s no party without my peeps. I miss them like crazy. Last week, I just snuggled into the bed upstairs and mooned over my loneliness.

Whether She’s leaving for an hour or leaving for a day, or even leaving for a week, she always kisses me and tells me, “Don’t worry, Scout. Mama always comes back.”

Thankfully, so far, she has.

The Little Guy


There are lots of fun stuffed animals around the house, but not all of them are mine, believe it or not! Sam has a lot of stuffed animals in her room upstairs. I don’t know why she has so many, I never see her play with them! In fact, she doesn’t play much at all! Her toys generally just sit in her room… except the little guy.

The little guy looks like he should be my toy. Every time I see him, I just want to chew on him and play, but Sam always takes him away from me…. I think he’s really important. He looks like a little black and white dog, like me! Sometimes when she’s really sad, I see her holding him, and she takes him with her when she goes out late at night.

I don’t really get it, but I understand wanting to have something to comfort you when you’re feeling low. Still, when she’s away and he’s home alone, I like to try to play with the little guy when I get the chance… why should she get to have all the fun?

Thunder is too Frightening!


As the house security, I have to be a tough guy; there’s not a lot that scares me. I try to be brave, but every now and then something shocks me back to feeling like a little puppy again… I don’t really like thinking about when I was a puppy, I had to grow up fast…

There was a lot of rain this weekend, and with rain comes thunder! The distant rolls of the storm are like a big bark; sometimes the sound of it makes me imagine a big scary dog with a deep booming voice. I don’t really like big dogs either…

While I was cuddling with my Mom on Sunday, the storm had blown directly overhead, and there was a tremendous crack of thunder, way louder than anything we had heard before. There was a bright flash, and I felt like the house was shaking. Immediately I jumped out of bed, and scampered away upstairs. I had to go, I didn’t know where, but that loud noise was way too scary.

Mom called after me, and searched for me in all of my usual spots, but I wouldn’t come out. She found me upstairs hiding in the corner of her office, under a chair. Even when I saw her, I was too scared to move, but she patiently waited for me, calling in a soft voice. Paralyzed, I just whined. I couldn’t budge, so she slowly moved the chair and picked me up. (I appreciate that she didn’t reach in to get me, I think seeing a probing hand reaching towards me would have scared me even more!)

We snuggled for a few hours before I felt like I could walk on my own again. I don’t know, sometimes things just snap you back to a different time. I’m just glad those times are behind me, and whenever I lose control Mom can pull me back to the present.

Beauty and the beasts

About once a month, I have a hair appointment: I go for a shampoo and a trim with my friend Mimi, who has become one of my very best buddies. I don’t even mind being dropped off at her place! Here’s why:

While all the other beastly dogs are placed in kennels awaiting their turn at the tub, Mimi lets me roam the salon freely. I like to sit at her feet while she clips the other dogs. After my turn on the table, she ties a pretty ribbon around my neck and lets me roam around until Mom comes to fetch me. I especially like eavesdropping on her phone call telling Mom I’m all set. “Your boy Scout is ready,” she says brightly. 

Mimi always gives me a treat before it’s time to go. Sometimes when Mom comes to pick me up, Mimi asks if she can keep me for a week or two. So far, Mom always says ‘no,’ and I’m glad! But it kind of makes me happy that that Mimi asks every time. She says I’m her favorite. I want to believe her.

For the best haircut in town, try Mimi’s Pet Grooming in Redwood City. Mimi and her husband Henri are two of the nicest people I know — almost as great as my own family!

Nighttime Reading


Believe it or not, I really enjoy reading in bed! Right now I’m reading Hamilton by Ron Chernow, which inspired the spectacular Broadway musical created by Lin Manuel Miranda, which I have never seen. I sure wish I could have seen it; everyone says it was a blockbuster... I’m happy enough to settle for the soundtrack, though.

My bed is a queen size, plenty big enough for me. When I’m feeling particularly generous — usually each night around 11 p.m. — I let Mom share it with me. You’d think we’d have enough room to stay on our separate sides, but my favorite place to sleep is snuggled up right next to her. I’m pretty sure she likes me right by her side, too. In the mornings, it’s always a tussle to see who will be the first up to make the bed. (I’ll let you in on a secret — most of the time, I let her win.)

If you have any book recommendations, please send them my way. The only thing better than snuggling up with a good book is snuggling up with my Mom!

No Bones About It!

Sometimes when Louie and Mom go out to dinner, they’ll come back home with a treat for me: a bone! You can’t imagine how good it tastes; after years of eating nothing but kibble and grass, a bone from a t-bone steak is divine! It’s so nice of them to think of me!

But not everyone is excited for me when I get my bone. The girl upstairs always makes a big stink, and I don’t understand why. She talks about boiling the bones to make them more chewy, and less likely to splinter… I guess choking on broken bones is an issue for dogs that have a few more teeth! After giving her spiel she relents, and I’m back to flavor town.

The compromise is that I’m always under supervision when chewing on a bone from a restaurant. Sam still doesn’t seem happy, but when the bone starts to break, Louie and Mom are pretty quick to get it out of my paws (not that I make it easy for them!)

A Really Good Chair


This is another one of my favorite places: the leather chair at Jack’s house! It’s super comfortable, there’s almost always someone sitting in it when I come over. Usually I’m so excited to be at Jack’s, I can distract myself for a little while, but when everyone gets up, I seize my chance and jump on. (It’s okay that I wasn’t invited, Jack’s house has different rules).

The rotating chair gives lets me see the entire room with minimal effort, I can keep my head down and see all the guys who come over to play. And while they’re laughing and playing and talking about sports, I like to smell the scents that have sunken into this old leather chair. Leather holds smells really well, so it’s like reading a guestbook!

Stanford Revisited


I’m ready for my close up!

Really, could anything be more picturesque than a walk through the beautiful Stanford campus? Here I am posing in front of Hoover Tower (no political leanings implied) and Memorial Fountain on a gorgeous spring day.

Did I tell you it’s just a short walk from my house to the campus?

You know that phrase, “lucky dog”? I’m pretty sure they invented it for me!



The older I get, the more I value the gift of kindness.

Receiving kindness in the form of a pat, a snuggle, or a treat is awesome. The gift of giving kindness is even sweeter.

Last weekend I was able to do what we Jewish dogs call the mitzvah of bikkur cholim — the kindess of visiting the sick. You don’t have to be Jewish to do this kindness, but it’s very satisfying to have a framework around the deeds that make me feel so good.

I’ve heard it said that when you’re feeling down, the best pick-me-up is to do something nice for someone else. I hardly ever feel down. After all, I’m a dog, and a lucky dog at that.

Still, visiting my elderly friend in her nursing home, and having the opportunity to show her some affection is a completely satisfying way to spend a few weekend hours.

Don’t believe me? Try it out and see how good you feel!

Downward Dog


I try to approach every day as a new opportunity, but nobody can be positive all the time. Some days I really feel aware of my size, that I’m not the top dog, and the world feels really overwhelming. On those days, it’s really important to have a plan for how to pick myself back up.

The first safety net is surrounding myself with people who love me. When I’m feeling low, they pick me up and squeeze me and kiss me. They make me feel loved, which is just what I need, and the physical contact makes me feel better.

I also have a few safe spaces around the house for when I’m feeling moody: under Mom’s bed, in her closet, or on my beanbag, I can take some time for myself to try to calm down. It’s really important that these spaces feel like they’re mine, so my family purposefully tries not to reach in and play with me when I’m in those spots.

Finally, I try to keep a few smells around the house that will cheer me up: the flowers out back, the treats in the treat drawer, or Mom’s perfume on a pillow are some favorites that help make me feel like my usual self again. I’ve even seen Sam try this technique, keeping smelling spices in her purse for when she’s overwhelmed. It works for people too, so maybe give it a try!

Whatever you’re feeling, take the time to put a few safeties in place to keep yourself from being too down. There’s so much fun stuff to do, we shouldn’t spend our time being mopey for too long!

But it Tastes So Good...


Mom has a lot of rules around the house to make sure things stay safe and clean: don’t pee in the house, don’t eat people food, only jump on people’s laps when you’re invited, and most importantly don’t eat the outside plants.

I try my best, but… I just can’t help it! I love the taste so much, but when I eat plants, I get sick and usually end up making a mess… But have you ever tried eating plants? Flowers? Grass? They’re delicious!

Sometimes Mom or Louie will catch me trying to sneak a quick bite on a walk, and I’ll hear the crescendo of caution from a low growl: “Scoooout…” Sometimes they even pull the plants right out of my mouth (how rude!).

My best chance to sneak a bite is when I’m home alone without supervision; I’ll trot into the back yard and start nibbling on the grass. I still have to be careful though; one wrong move and I won’t hear my family come home, and they’ll catch me in the act of snacking!

I know it’s bad for me… but it tastes so good!

My Lucky Day


My friend Ewa visited last weekend. You can’t imagine how much I love her. When I see her coming toward the door, I’m practically in tears with delight from the thought of her!

When Ewa comes, I almost don’t mind so much that Mom’s gone. She takes me on walks, she cuddles me, she talks and talks and talks to me... sometimes in Polish, which I don’t happen to speak, but I know she’s saying nice stuff by the tone of her voice.

Sometimes we go to see the elderly Polish lady that Ewa volunteers to visit. It makes me happy that I can make her smile. Sometimes I just sit on her lap and hope that life is a little better because of our visit. Ewa speaks to her in Polish so I am kind of in the dark, but I can tell they like each other. They might even love each other.

I know that Ewa loves me, and I love her, too. As much as I hate to see Mom pack her bag and go, I am so grateful for my time with Ewa!



I admit it. I can’t help myself. It’s like an instinct. I see one scurrying across the back fence and — boom! Like a rocket I’m on the attack!

Trouble is, I never seem to be able to catch one. I’ve even tried my best to climb trees to reach ‘em, but no dice. Five years now I’ve been at it (probably longer, if you count my pre-forever homes) and still I’m coming up empty.

When I’m out on a walk, I really, really try to keep myself in check. I know She’s not happy when I take off like that, but... geez... what’s a guy to do? Those bushy-tailed rats don’t belong in my realm. I see one and... bam! But so far, to no avail.

Still, I keep trying. Like I said, it’s an instinct. And just you wait, one of these days... I’m going to catch one!

Pillow Talk

First of May, first of May, outdoor… something starts today!
Oh! Sorry, I’ve been distracted lately because I’ve been so excited!

May first means spring is in full bloom! The weather is warm, the days are long, flowers are sprouting and animals are getting lovey-dovey; there’s just something in the air! On days like today I like to curl up with a buddy and lounge around in the sun all day…

Unfortunately for me, I’m an only dog, so that kind of companionship is in short supply. Don’t get me wrong, Mom, Louie and Sam are great company, but we have a different kind of relationship—I want to lay down with someone me-sized! Even worse, all the me-sized dogs I do know never want to lie down!

Luckily, I’ve figured out a way to relieve myself when running in a pack of one. It’s not glamorous, so I take my business into another room. What can I say? A doggie’s gotta do what a doggie’s gotta do...

First Walk of the Morning


            The first walk of the morning is always a treat!

            After a restful night, I have a spring in my step that can be hard for my peeps to keep up with! They are still sleepy, sometimes in sweats, but not me. Up and at ‘em, says I!

            I have my favorite spots to water on our block. God help the dog (or biped) who crosses me! I don’t welcome outsiders to my territory!

            There are a few exceptions. My buddy Archie, who lives around the corner, and my pals Ewa and Jack. But in the early morn, we usually run into construction workers – some who bring their dogs to the job – and other walkers, who I try not to let bother me, and… squirrels!

            Those squirrels! It’s pure instinct to pounce on them but so far, I’ve never caught one, not even when I try my best to climb the trees they are scaling!

            After a brisk walk, breakfast is a treat.

            As for the rest of the day, who knows what may come my way?

The Other Kind of Hot Dog


Is it me, or has it gotten hotter lately?

Lately it’s been so warm I’ve felt like melting into the ground. On days like that, I usually try to spend most of my time inside—if you think warm weather is tough to deal with, try it covered in fur! Luckily the house is really cool, and I always have plenty of water to get me through the day. I’m glad I don’t have too many appointments so I can just stay in when I get too hot!

While you’re out and about, don’t forget to drink your water either! I think people are supposed to drink three cups of water each day (or bowls, for the rest of us). Hydration is really important, and you don’t want to overheat. Of course, doggy kisses can help a little bit to, so I try to do as much as I can, but it’s not a substitute for staying well hydrated!

I hope everyone stays safe as things continue to heat up!

The Big Bed


I’ve already told you about some of my favorite spots to nap, but nothing compares to where my Mom sleeps.; when I’m good, Mom (or another family member) lets me sleep in the big bed! There’s so much space compared to my little bean bag, I don’t even mind that we’re sharing! (In fact, I usually prefer it!)

The big bed is also nice because I get to sleep between my two favorite people, Mom and Louie. It’s so cozy when all of us are together, I never want to leave! There’s also a big bed upstairs, but it’s a bit warmer up there, so I don’t like it as much. It’s usually a bit more empty too—not much to snuggle with.

I try to be on my best behavior so I get to be in the big bed most nights now! I can’t wait for bedtime!

Small Dog, Big Internet

It really looks like my “blog” has been taking off lately! I don’t really know what it means… but I’m glad the numbers are going up!


It’s really exciting to see, but sometimes I worry about being too fixated on social media. It’s fun, but it’s not real life—it’s not a substitute for real head-pats and belly rubs. I think it’s easy for people to get lost in the digital scramble. Less easy for dogs, but hey, I’m a trend setter.

I’ve seen people get too stuck on social media, so I’m making sure to limit my time online. If the internet ever gets you down, don’t forget you can always go outside and take a breather! The internet makes life seem really fast paced sometimes, but it’s okay to slow down. Internet drama has a way of taking over and making it seem like the end of the world, I’ve noticed.

Safe surfing, everyone!

Better Living Through Chemistry


Spring has sprung, and with it, the pollen is flying! The yellow dust is all over the cars parked on our street, and it’s getting to me, too. I’m sneezing, scratching, and generally so uncomfortable I cannot get a decent night’s sleep.

Sometimes I can’t even eat I’m so overcome with itchy discomfort.

But there is a solution — a quick injection that takes all my allergy symptoms away. It’s called Cytopoint. I’m a little sleepy for a couple hours after the shot, but then, life is good again!

My friendly technician Pamela at VCA Palo Alto made the injection pain-free for me. Plus, she’s so nice to me, I like to pop in and visit her from time to time. I love all the people at VCA. 

Now I’m breathing easy and itch-free. Better living through chemistry!

When Will They Ever Learn?

We hosted book group the other night.


My first responsibility is to guard the front door. A dozen women arriving in ones and twos – each and every knock worthy of a bark of greeting-- takes a lot out of my vocal chords! I’m actually hoarse the day after book group… you know, like your voice on the day after a rock concert. Not that I’d know. There are so many places my kind aren’t allowed. Life’s not fair, is it?

Not all the ladies like me, I can tell.

As I circle among their crowded circle, some reach out to pat my head. Some look away, ambivalent-like, hoping I’ll settle somewhere else. Some others seem to pull away. What the heck are they thinking, that I’ve got fleas? Or cooties? “Hey, I’m not a bad guy,” I want to tell them. It’s not like I’d bite‘em or anything.

Some of the women come straight from work, so we serve some substantial savory snacks. Others come after an early dinner. For them we offer a platter of sweets. Boy, do those look good! (Don’t worry, I know the truth about dogs and chocolate.)

All those sumptuous snacks are placed right at sniffing level, on the coffee table or end tables, easily within our guests’ reach. Even a short guy like me can reach this buffet.

You think it’s easy to resist? I assure you, it is not! I get within a foot of those platters and I hear my name called, as if it’s a long, slow crescendo warning: “Scooouuuut…” Her voice rises. If I dare go any nearer, the call becomes a staccato punch: “SCOUT!” She barks! With feeling!

Some of those ladies won’t eat anything if the snout of Scout comes too near to the plate. Having reached the age of maturity, I appreciate the boundary setting. It’s always helpful to know the rules. In the book group, there are a lot of rules.

As they wrap up their discussion, I feel my resolve weakening. What is it they say about not letting yourself get too hungry, angry, lonely or tired? I’m not angry or lonely, but it’s been hours since my last bit of kibble and running the book group makes me dog tired.

I take a quick look around. Surely no one is watching as they say their goodbyes. In a quick burst of energy, I sneak a little piece of brie. Just a taste, really. No harm done, or so I think.

“Oh, no!” says one of the ladies. “It looks like you’ll have to throw out the brie.”

But don’t they know a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s?

No matter how many books they read, some folks just never seem to learn.